Time Lapse Video - diVision

I spent some time over the last couple weeks learning how to use Premiere Pro (I am a Adobe CC subscriber for Photoshop, Lightroom, and Illustrator (and a few others), so it wasn't an additional expense for me) and put together a short timelapse of my newest illustration, diVision, with original music I wrote specifically for this video!

It is my hope to continue to produce time lapse videos of my creation process in both illustration and origami, each with original music, at a rate of at least once per month.  I will be trying other formats, like tutorials and explanations of artistic intent, or even q&a's if you'd like.

Antipode, diVision, graphite on watercolor paper, 5x7", 2017

Based on an earlier sketch I did.

Antipode, untitled sketch, June 26, 2016 (wow, that was almost a year ago!)

Antipode, untitled sketch, June 26, 2016 (wow, that was almost a year ago!)